Thursday, December 17, 2009
Big Boy Bed
Friday, December 11, 2009
Holiday Fun!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Defective Elbows
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Thanksgiving 2009
Whats a party without good food and a 3 year old setting the table?
Cameron was in charge of the "littles group".
22 Weeks!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Dylan Days
1) Today as we were doing a snowman project, Dylan had the most adorable conversation with me:
Mommy: Oh I am not sure sweety, it only snows in really cold places like Utah where Grandma lives.
Dylan: Well, go tell Heavenly Father to make it snow. You can go to Heaven and tell him, but I guess I will go tell him. But I don't know how to get there, is, is Heaven at the temple?
Mommy: No sweety, it is very far away, and we can't go to heaven until after we die. You can pray and ask Heavenly Father for snow though. I am not sure if he wants it to snow on Christmas, but you can try and ask him.
Dylan: Well, he has controls to make it snow every Christmas, people just need to ask him. Let's ask him tonight mommy.
2) Lately, Dylan has been getting scared again at night and sneaking into our bed while we are watching TV. Its weird how he feels safer alone in our room with the lights off than in his with a night light on. Strange. How did he not fall off the bed?
Dylan: Mommy, you are pretty
Me: Really?
Dylan: Yes. When you were having a boy you were not pretty, but now that you are having a girl, you are very pretty mommy. I love you. (He then proceeded to pull up my shirt and talk to his baby sister)
Could I love this kid anymore than I already do? Really, I don't think so.
4) Dylan is obsessed with Christmas. I am sure I have mentioned this before, but he loves this holiday. He loves the lights (enough to put them onhis Christmas list), the tree, the music, the books, the movies, and Santa. He has always loved the Polar Express, (ever since he was introduced to it last year). It has been a weekly bedtime favorite all year round. Recently too, after books, Dylan falls asleep to the Polar Express CD after listening to Grandmas voice read the book on a cd. I am telling you, obsessed! I have been getting a little nervous about it all because he is so into it, even at the point to where he really believs that the Polar Express is actually coming to pick him up in Christmas eve. I keep telling him its just a book and not for real, but he won't have it, he "believes" just as the movie and book teaches. Ugh! I love it, but I am not so keen on the whole lying thing...its such a dliemma for me. I do have to say though, that the magic in his eyes when he talks about the Christmas holiday and all that he loves, inspires me a little bit. I can't explain it, it is just beautiful. He is so innocent and full of wonder, it truly is a joy to witness. This is becoming MY favorite time of year too!
Here Dylan is singing one of his favorite songs off the Polar Express cd. Pay no attention to his choice of clothing (another obsession of his). Enjoy!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Its a Girl!!!
I think knowing or at least feeling like this is my last child has really made me excited for our future. While leaving the office today, I could just see our little family on vacations, the two little girls running in the waves while Dylan is out with his daddy boogie boarding. I don't know. It felt complete. It felt right. I was full of JOY and anyone who has truly experienced that knows that there is no greater feeling in the world. I love my family!
I will post the ultrasound pictures soon!
Friday, November 20, 2009
DD and his new "Feelings"
Recently I have noticed that my little boy is becoming a bit sensitive, I love it. He wasn't always like this, maybe it’s at 3 when kids start developing deeper feelings (or maybe it’s just that he finally understands those feelings). Either way he is so sensitive these days and it is fun watching him demonstrate his emotions in different ways.
!1)\During stories:
A few weeks ago I was putting Dylan to bed, and he asked me to tell him about his birth and how he had to sleep in a suitcase (“soupcase”) for a few days, (he knows this story well, in fact he keeps asking us if the new baby will be yellow). After telling him the same story that I have told him for months now, he started rubbing his eyes really hard trying to hold back his tears. I asked him what was wrong and he began sobbing saying, “I can’t get me face to stop crying mommy.” I held him in my arms and got him to settle down. After leaving his room I heard crying again a few minutes later. I ran in and he was almost yelling now, “My face is making me cry, I want my face to stop making me cry!” It was so bizarre, he couldn’t tell me why he was sad, but since then I have avoided his birth story all together. I felt so horrible!
2) When he breaks something:
Just recently, Dylan has started getting really emotional when he breaks something. Never before has he cared what he ruins or who he hurts, and if you have met my kid you know that he is the typical 3 year old who cries when he wants something and doesn’t get it, when he gets in trouble, etc. Take note that this cry is more of a loud cry more to make a scene and prove his point more than anything. But recently, when he breaks something (before I even see it or say anything), Dylan drops his head and runs quickly into his room. He then proceeds to lay face down on his bed and cry; a silent cry. It is so heartbreaking. I always run in after him and tell him it’s ok and that I am not mad, but he doesn’t care until I can show him that I can fix it. (This has made it difficult and quite annoying for those unfixable broken things like glass. I would rather just throw things away, but I have to show him that I can fix it.) It is quite interesting. My favorite part of it all is that as soon as I show him I can fix it, he gets this huge smile across his smile and jumps into my arms giving me a huge hug. I can honestly say that these moments are my most favorite of all, his expressions and raw emotions are priceless! I LOVE IT!
Du During Movies:
Today we decided to watch the animated Pixar movie UP. Neither of us had ever seen it, so I thought it would be a fun thing to watch before Sydney got up this morning. For anyone that has seen the movie, it has a lot of depth to it. It is more of a thinker, and the music itself leads the audience to where it wants them to go. I noticed a few different times, Dylan would start rubbing his watery eyes right as the music would change during a semi sad moment. I would ask him if he is sad and these are the responses that I received:
Dylan: (When the bird got hurt, Dylan with a tear in his eye), Oh, the bird got hurt mommy. Now the bird is going to have to live in a big bird wheelchair. Me: Oh he is going to be ok, look they are taking care of him. Dylan: I don’t like when movies try to make me cry.
Me: Dylan are you sad? Dylan: I don’t like when my face makes me cry mommy
Isn't it interesting that even at this age he is ashamed to show any real tears? He shows them plenty when it is crying over a toy, or an ouchie, but NEVER when its a deep emotional reaction. I wonder where this is learned? Or why the instinct is to hide it. I also find it fascinating that at 3, the music already touches him so deeply. The second I witnessed this I realized he was ALL Cameron. Interesting don't you think?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
More Dylan "Pwojects"
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Anyway, Dylan has been watching an obscene amount of TV these last few days because I have been so sick. So today he actually said, "turn it off mommy" right in the middle of his favorite movie. I was shocked, and immediately felt horrible that I haven't been able to give him the attention he has needed. It quickly passed as we exchanged a few words back and forth to each other while getting Dylan ready to go to Grandmas house for the evening.
Me: Dylan, make sure you don't watch any TV at grandmas today, you have already watched a lot.
Dylan: No I haven't. But mommy, (with a coy smile), lets just make that our secret.
Me: What is our secret?
Dylan: That I watched a lot of TV and you don't want me to watch any more. Don't tell grandma, its our secret mommy ok?
So dang cute! And so smart...I can't believe he is only 3 and the manipulation and hiding has already begun! CRAZY! Check out this video, Dylan has already found the prefect name for the baby! (Lets hope its a girl...for his sake!)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Quotes of the day
Dylan: Mommy you are ugly.
Me: Dylan that hurts my feelings, and is not very nice.
Dylan: Well, you are ugly, but you aren't really ugly
Me: What does that mean Dylan?
Dylan: Just your skin is ugly (as he stares at my prego belly)
Me: Oh this skin? These are called stretch marks. As the baby gets bigger they get bigger, and I have to agree with you, they are ugly aren't they?
Dylan: Yes. But your whole body skin is ugly too. Sorry mommy.
Nice huh? Love the self esteem building!
A few weeks ago while at Grandmas he yells to Grandma, "You have to come over and see my new knobs!" (referring to the new hardware on our kitchen cabinets).
And just now, on the way home we drove past a police car on the side of the road:
Dylan:Oh look at the policeman mommy
Me: Looks like there was an accident
Dylan: No mommy, somebody is just getting in trouble for stealing things
Monday, November 9, 2009
What are you thankful for?
Answer: The Emory Childrens Center that I take Sydney to is right outside the Children's Hospital in Emory. I park in the same place that I did when Syd was in the hospital 10 months ago. I go through the same elevator and and walk through those same double doors every time I take her to her Neurology appt. It is a constant reminder of the fear, and heartbreak that I, Cameron and Syd faced just a short time ago. It is always very sobering to make this trip, but it is a great reminder of how blessed we are that Sydney is doing better, and that there IS a medicine that will work long term if this epilepsy does in fact last throughout her life. So, I left the office after a great visit, and as we walked out the door Dylan started jumping up and down yelling, "Helicopter, helicopter, mommy!". I looked up and leaving the roof of the hospital of course was a helicopter with the words, Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta written on it. I instantly began to cry. Call it hormonal pregnancy emotions, but I couldn't help but think of the sick or injured child that was being transported, and/or the parents who were living their worst nightmare having to witness the pain of their child. I couldn't help but see 8 month old Sydney strapped to a gurney in that ambulance, and remember the feelings that I had had driving with her and just watching, praying that the seizures would stop and there wouldn't be any brain damage. At that same moment, I began crying even harder, sobbing (a little uncontrollably) because I was so grateful that we weren't there, in that moment, or situation anymore. We have answers, and our baby girl is thriving! And at that moment I couldn't hold the tears in, I was so overwhelmed with emotions of happiness!
To make things worse for a hormonal crying pregnant woman, I get in the car after calming down and riding yet again that same elevator (this time with two sick kids in wheelchairs) and as I leave the parking lot, the song "Thankful" by Josh Groban comes on (yes it is on his Christmas album, and yes I am already listening to it :) Here are a taste of the lyrics:
Somedays, we forget to look around us,
Somedays, we can't see the joy that surrounds us,
so caught up inside ourselves...
there's so much to be Thankful for,
It's an AMAZING song and of course moved me once again, bringing me to tears. It was at this point that Dylan said, "Mommy, when are you going to stop crying?" Poor kid, his mom is crazy!
It was a good day. I love being reminded of how blessed I am, and how happy I am. I tend to forget that...often.
Here is just a cute video of Sydney playing with her blocks. If you listen close you hear her say, "here you go" a few times. It is her first official sentence!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Grammer and Lindsay visit!
We carved Pumpkins...
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Fall Festival
Monday, October 26, 2009
Lazy Sunday
Halloween festivities
We did white tights and a black nose at the mall...what do you think compared to the library?