Thanksgiving 2009 with the Mounts=lots of food, lots of people, and LOTS of fun!
Whats a party without good food and a 3 year old setting the table? Or without cutie babies wandering around?What is thanksgiving without Grandpa Mount being the best grandpa in the world, and planning the ultimate scavenger hunt for the kids? It was awesome!
Cameron was in charge of the "littles group".What is a scavenger hunt without a boat ride to the island?Or a human pyramid?Or a good game of b-ball?What is a scavenger hunt for kids that doesn't end in tears over circus peanuts?And what better way to end Thanksgiving day than a game of Karaoke? And/or snuggling with your cousin?
I am a SAHM who started this blog as a way to journal about our everyday lives. There are so many sweet moments that I don't ever want to forget, and so I write. Some may judge or hate me for being so honest, or for my parenting techniques, while others might learn a thing here or there. I am just me, open and honest, doing the best that I can. Motherhood is hard and it is a learning process. Hopefully my kids will look back and read this years from now and laugh at all that they put their parents through.
1)I am a Gemini 2)I thought I was going to be eaten by a shark at age 11…I have a huge scar on my leg to prove it 3)I exaggerate and say things I shouldn't when I am nervous 4) I have always wanted to be in a choir 5) My greatest fear is to not be important to those I love 6)I didn’t go in the ocean for about 5 years…refer to number two 7)I LOVE picking (zits, hairs, nails, anything really...nasty I know) 8)I make smoothies at least once a day 9)I am still afraid of the dark (only when I am completely alone) 10) I hate feeling stupid 11) I bite my finger nails 12)I grind my teeth when I sleep 13) I am VERY opinionated but I refrain from sharing it (most of the time) 14) I love art, but I suck at it 15) I have accidentally peed in public at least 10 times since the age of 8 16) I have a real drinking problem that has nothing to do with alcohol 17) I can’t keep my sneezes quiet 18) I have never liked my hair 19) I am OCD about melted ice cream 20) I nannied Rob Lowes nephews in college 21) Met Terri Hatcher for a job and Cameron couldn't resist talking to her about her Seinfeld "real and fantastic" role 22) Some of my friends call me cheap, mostly because its true 23) I am almost unbeatable at Dr. Mario 24) I have witnessed two seperate deaths 25) I love Tae Bo 26)I am addicted to all sports 27) I am terrified of snakes 28) I sing and make up my own lyrics when I am alone 29)I was born on my mothers birthday 30) I broke my back water skiing at age 12 31) I have had 12 moles removed 31) I actually prefer silence to music (especially with two kids, how on earth did Cameron marry me?) 32) the piano is my favorite instrument 33) I was voted most inspirational in college (on my volleyball team) 34) If I were a boy I would have been Brady West 35)I am really shy upon first meeting you (I know, who would have thought right?) 36) My sister is “my person” 37) I cry often when I am moved 38) I am getting quite good at forgiving everyone but myself 39) I am a BEAST when I am tired 40) I have stood at the top of the stairs with a knife threatening to hurt whoever was in my house on more than one occasion 41) I am allergic to deodorant 42) I am going to be an Labor and Delivery Nurse one day 43)My biggest pet peeve is inappropriate cell phone use 44) I get overwhelmed easily (why do I have three kids again?) 45) I hate being misunderstood 46)I thrive on spontaneity 47) I broke my arm falling off a skateboard (from the sitting position) 48) I love self help books 49) I hate public speaking 50) I have superhero strength when I a disaster strikes…seriously 50) I have had 4 piercings 51) I have always gotten out of my speeding tickets 52) I love Christmas music 53) My love language is quality time 52) I have had Pityriasis rosea 53) I broke my friends arm in 6th grade letting go of her at the skating rink *oops* 54) I tap dance in place when I am bored 55) I like to self diagnose...its a problem. 56) I think feet are the ugliest part of the human body 57) I am Young Women's president in my church 58) Laughter is my therapy 59) My kids are the cutest kids on the planet 60) I have a problem with locking my keys in the car 61)I backpacked Europe for nearly three months after living in Portugal and playing semi-professional volleyball 62)I sucked my index finger as a kid until they had to put a metal contraption in my mouth to get me to stop...this is the same finger that Sydney sucks on 63) I don't like animals,(In high school, I had to bring my dog by myself to the pound to be put to sleep, I have never recovered) 64) nothing makes me feel more sick to my stomach than running over an animal in the street 65) People who wink a lot freak me out 66) my favorite piece of furniture is my bed 66) My most treasured object in my home is the Starry Night painting my mom painted 67) I have purposely called 911 twice in my life 68)I don't eat breakfast 69)I have cheated death twice 70) I have driven in an ambulance 71)I have had lice 6 times in my life (I shared helmets in softball) 72)I have severe anxiety which makes me a bit crazy at times (refer to 78) 73) I am very sentimental 74)I hate when I can't do something physically 75)I absolutely hate raisins, they look wrong 76)I can't multi task 77)I was voted most athletic in my high school 78) I am a kid at heart and am kinda spazzy (to the point that people sometimes question weather I am drunk or not) 79) I am obsessed with Sees Bordeaux and select truffles (the raspberry, key lime, and lemon, yumm!) 80) I love sleeping just so I can dreams are good! 81) My favorite candies are tootsie rolls.
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