Monday, October 26, 2009

Lazy Sunday

My favorite Sundays consist of snuggles and treats (and usually a nap). This week Dylan had a bit of early morning quiet time. Check out his drawing of an airplane...I was very impressed! Too bad I couldn't frame it. This was Dylan's treat project for the day...he made the cupcakes and together (with me directing his hands) we decorated. Yummy!Sydney is in love with Dylan's favorite monkeys. He even gave her one of her own that she can walk around with and sleep with. He is so sweet sometimes! Coco, you found gift that keeps on giving! :) She was up in the middle of the night last night and the ONLY thing that would calm her down was this monkey. The second I gave it to her she grabbed it and just starting hugging it and talking. This lasted for over 45 minutes! Thank you! thank you!

1 comment:

coco said...

Ahhh, I am so glad the Monkey makes CC happy!