Saturday, December 21, 2013

Dylan's Presents...

Dylan had his first ever class presentations last month!  The first was for his QUEST class (this is a class that meets every Thursday all day for those 2nd graders that have tested into the gifted program.  Dylan has about 12 kids currently in this class)  For this presentation, Dylan had to create  a container to put an egg in.  He had to drop the egg/container from 3 different heights without the egg cracking.  Once this was created, he had to present it to the class, and they all watched as it passed the test!  He did great! His first 100!
He is one of two boys...isnt that interesting?
I love how excited he was as his classmates passed the "test".  I love this kid!

For the next presentation, Dylan was asked to write a "How to" paragraph about something/anything.  Examples included how to make a peanut butter sandwich, cookies, a book, etc.  The kids were then asked to bring in samples of whatever it was that they were presenting/writing on.  Dylan of course couldn't do anything easy.  He chose to teach the class how to make an optical illusion.  Look at these pencils that he/we made.  When you twist them together in your hands it creates an illusion of a bird in a cage.  Cool huh?  He received his second 100!

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