Some Random pics of the week:
Did I mention how grateful I was to COCO for coming this weekend? She drove my moms bike to Vegas, kept my husband happy, added great conversation, was SO much fun, and was so cute with all of the kids. I kind of want her to be my new sister wife. Maybe if she weren't Cameron's sister I would think about it...Ewwww. I love you CoC!
Free rides on the Merry Go Round? Yes please!

Tims yard couldn't be more awesome. A pool, Jacuzzi and play structure=happy children (and happy mommies)

Tim might very well be related to Wolverine.
Auntie Em had the great idea to have a Mexican Thanksgiving. She brought a pinata and we had yummy cafe rio dinner!
Get it Aliya! Look at that intensity!
Auntie Coco is the BEST!
Happy (early) Thanksgiving!
The Johnson family is here! (We grew up vacationing with Jay and Debbie Johnson and their kids. they were able to come and visit us while we were all together. It was a wonderful suprise!
Movie time= Adult time. (The West siblings took some time to go out together while the inlaws looked after the babes...or took naps themselves.)
There is nothing better than seeing a daddy smile this big with his kid/s. LOVE IT!
The Kids are waiting at the door for everyone to arrive.
Three pees in a pod.
The Boys
Dog Pile (is Sydney breathing?)
Bye Grammer. Till we meet again.
After saying goodbye to the family, I surprised Cameron with a trip the the Pinball Hall of Fame in LV. He was in nerd heaven. this picture says it all:
The crazy troll behind the table was rad. He could not have played a more perfect part carting around his headband light and mumbling to kick us out when it was closing time.
It couldn't have been more fitting to bring Timmy with us. He and Cams posse played together in High School.
Quite possibly the WORST game ever. Bad Cats. The song might have actually been worse than the game, "Meow, meow, meow, meow".
Family Pictures!!
We had to try it: (1 crying and only one smiling...sounds about right.)
Awww hugs. "You wanna kiss Mace?"