Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Macey Jane Mount

Macey Jane Mount
Born April 6th at 1:36 pm
8 lbs. 1 oz
20 inches Long

The Proud Parents
Macey's birth story:
We went to the hospital at 7 am Tuesday morning to be induced. We were put in the exact same room that Sydney was delivered, and believe it or not, we had the same amazing nurse too! It was meant to be. Perfect! My water was broken around 8:45 and I finally got my epidural around 10:30 (That pump that ya'll knew I was planning on getting was lost, they couldn't find one in the entire hospital! Grrr.) At around 1:15 or so my nurse checked me and I was only dilated to a 5, so Cameron went to go get some food downstairs. I preceded to call my sister and about 5 minutes into the conversation felt the baby completely drop to the point where I felt I had to push. It was a very strange and confusing feeling considering I was completely numb (such a yucky feeling). I quickly called Cameron to hurry back up because I thought I had to push. My nurse came in doubting I had progressed in just a few short minutes, and to her surprise I was complete! I was at a 10! The Dr. rushed in, and as I sat up to begin pushing, Macey's head literally popped out. The Dr. told me to stop pushing (as if I was pushing in the first place), and I looked at Cameron's eyes well up. I asked him what was going on and and he was speechless, he couldn't take his eyes off of the baby that I still was unaware of. The Dr. then told me to feel my babies head, and wow, it was really there. About a minute later I gave a little push (if you can even call it that) and out came little Macey. She was/is perfect in every way. I haven't been able to take my hands off of her since the moment she was born. It was a perfect delivery which resulted in an even more perfect baby.


Tracy said...

She is BEAUTIFUL! Congrats! You look great too!

Trisha said...

Congrats guys! She looks like a little beauty. I love the name by the way!!!

coco said...

Can I just say I've been checking the blog everyday the past week to see if Macey had been added! Way to go, Brit! I'm lovin these blogs

Katie said...

So wonderful, I'm teared up! I can't wait to meet her!!

Kristine Pratt said...

Congrats Britney! You look great in all the photos and so does she. That's crazy you went so fast and only pushed once! I hope it is that way for me next time!

Anneli said...

Congrats! She is beautiful, I can't wait to see her!!